Official Website

To view more of the artist work, please got to her website:

mardi 28 juin 2016

Alone On Mars - Sand Storm

A few weeks ago, I was offer the opportunity to work on a very cool VR project co directed by a NASA scientist.

But in the end they went for another artist, and my chance to draw very cool painting about the Mars colonization went away. Sadly. So I decided to go on my own Mars series that I will call: Alone on Mars.

And here is the result.

First painting: Sand storm

vendredi 24 juin 2016

MIT - Episode 05 | Sand Storm

My MIT episode 05 is finally out (a week later but it is out. I was busy with a tight deadline and couldn't work on the editing)

Today is the speed painting of my “Alone On Mars” illustration: “Sand Storm”. I hope you’ll like it and don;t forget to subscribe! 

You can follow me on my:

Where you can see and by this painting. Don't forget to visit, and if you like: share and subscribe!!!

vendredi 3 juin 2016


Hello hello!

Yes! It has been 2 years since I update my blog. For information, this blog will not be my portfolio anymore since I have now an OFFICIAL WEBSITE at:

All my recent work is on it. From now on this blog will be my side portfolio. Where I'll give news of my work, link and little up date on my next project.So I hope you'll visit all of it!

mardi 4 juin 2013

Show Reel 2013


Editing and Animation
Armel Oenn

Assitant animation (for the Pandora's extracts)
Mike Flanagan, Yvonne Ho, Sarah Liskof, 
Diana Choi, Amélie Ramos

"Another Chance" 

Extract scene
"4 O'clock" ("Quatre Heure") (2010)
"Momento Tree" (2011)
You'll be a Man ("Tu seras un homme") (2012-on going)
"Gamatron" (2010)
ENSAD Class work  (2008-2012)
SVA Classe work (2011)

lundi 3 juin 2013

Pandora - Project

While he is trying to escape from his black and white reality, Eron, a 10 years old imaginative little boy, will discover meet a weird red hair girl that will show him how to open the door of "Pandora".

This is the first version of Pandora, screened at the SVA Dustys Festival in New York. The hight quality version is available on vimeo, "here"

The final version will be released in August 2013.

Pandora - Character Design

 Pandora's Character design has been one of the important part of my project. Whill usually I work with the same design for my people wich is a mix between troditional occidental and asian cartoon animation, this time I took the time to developpe their appearance but also their style with same process than for the background. That way both characters and background will be compatible.


mercredi 29 août 2012

ENSAD Thesis 2011-2012 - You'll be a Man

For my first thesis film, at ENSAD shool in Paris, I wanted to do a science fiction short animation, which also would be the beginning of my saga "The Namos Cycle".

The story takes place in about two centuries and our reality. "The Namos Cycle" also titled "The Rift Chronicles" counts a dozen of short stories, that can be watch randomly and a long feature, concluing the fate of the Namos - a race of cloned humans created in order to be used as a computer.

In short, the saga tales the time of this race from its creation to its destruction, bringing the world into a huge destruction that open three other sagas: "The Arcas Cycle", "Tarramina Cycle" and  "Idan's Cycle". All those together form a part of an epic: "Sets of Powers" or "The Galakos Times"

"You'll Be a Man" is the starting point of this epic and tales the a day in Jasper's life, one of the key characters of the "Rift Chronicles" (for more informaion, click "here")

Unfortunately, for some lake of time, luke and organisation, the short is completed. So far only one minute of the 14 minutes expected has been entirelly finished. And the movie has been severely criticized. Immature and violent has been the recurent words. Lake of visuel is the second point the judges blamed.

So in order to correct those sides, I still will work on it. Starting from next September. I hope the new version will pleased. Wainting for that, I let you discovered the work down so far.


Pour mon grand projet de fin d'étude à l'Ensad, j'envisageais de faire un court métrage de science-fiction, qui lancerait une des sagas que je prépare.

L'histoire générale a lieu dans un futur proche, à environs deux siècles de notre époque actuelle, et se déroule également dans notre réalité. La saga, nommée les "Chroniques de la Rift" ou le "Cycle des Namos", se compose d'une dizaine de courts métrages indépendants les un des autres, et d'un long métrage, concluant l'ensemble de l'histoire des Namos - une race d'humains artificiellement créées dans le but d'être utilisés comme ordinateurs vivants.

En résumé, cette saga raconte un génocide. Plus précisément, il s'agit de la base historique de trois autres sagas, "Le Cycle des Arcas", "Le Cycle de Tarramine" et "Le Cycle d'Idane", l'ensemble s'inscrivant dans l'épopée galactique de la "Quête du Pouvoir", aussi appelée les "Temps des Galakos".

"Tu Seras un Homme" est un des points de départ de toute cette épopée et raconte un tournant de la vie de Jasper, un des personnage clé des "Chroniques de la Rift".  (pour plus d'infos, cliquez "ici")

Malheureusement le court métrage, par faute de temps et de préparation, a mal abouti malgré le travail acharné de mon équipe. Les critiques furent dans leurs totalités négatives: "Le scénario était bien ficelé mais bourrés de clichés et de violence gratuite dû à mon immaturité scénaristique". Le manque de temps et de regard extérieur, ainsi que le choix visuel et partie-pris artistique, auront en fin de compte desservis mon projet plus qu'autre chose.

Néanmoins, il est question de reprendre l'ensemble du travail, à partir de Septembre prochain. En attendant, je vous présente malgré tout la bande de Jasper, Et lorsque, le travail sera finis, j'espère que vous aurez plaisir à découvrir son histoire.


Tu seras un Homme
(You'll be a Man)

 Completed Part


mercredi 1 août 2012

ENSAD Thesis 2011-2012 : You'll be a Man - Drawing and Background



Background from "You'll be a man"

Original drawing and clean: Armel OENN
Background clean assistant: Gaultier SALCEDO
Texturing assistant: Gautier AMEUX
Light, color and finalisation: Armel OENN

mardi 7 juin 2011

SVA: Character Design Class

(First Assignment: Prince and Princess)   

(Second Assignment: Animal Anthropomorphic)


Nemesis (Adult)

Nemesis (Young)

First appearance

Final Appearance

Eldest (Teenage)

only in "The Rift: Universe 5"